February 2nd 2016: Best break up ever
Love Hurts
, by Randy Whittaker

“You took what was mine and you will pay!” she mumbled, the words dripping off her tongue like acid.

Jennifer sat in the pew and the hatred makes her body tremble. She knows her patience will pay huge dividends and she will be so happy. She just needs to wait for the exact right moment to make her dreams become reality. She will have her big day and it will be more amazing than anyone could have ever imagined.

Tim had left her for that bitch Susie but Jennifer knew everything worked out in the end. All she had to do was be patient and her happiness would know no bounds. She sat in the church, its air of righteousness giving her strength, and her mind drifts back to when everything got screwed up.

She had been alone for a very long time.

She didn’t really notice the emptiness after awhile. The move to a new job and city all seemed overwhelming at first. She soon found herself in a comfort zone reserved for old people. It was funny how you could rationalize anything in your life. Sure, she had lots of friends. Most women do. But at the very base of her existence, she felt the loneliness like the warm blanket she wrapped herself in every night as she settled in front of the television. Falling in love with a guy from work was the last thing on her mind.

Tim was the new guy. He had a pleasing face and he seemed so kind and warm. Their conversations started out innocently enough. But there was always something bubbling just below the surface. Tim always made her feel special.

As they grew to know each other, their conversations would often turn sexual and she would say things to him that shocked her own sense of middle class sensibilities. She felt comfortable with Tim, like she could be herself and no one would judge her. Their romance continued to blossom, and soon the conversation turned to weddings.

Then her world crumbled when Susie came into work that fateful day. It started out so innocently.

Tim, always the nice guy, helped Susie fit right in her new job. It wasn’t long before his visits to her cubicle would last longer and longer. Jennifer would hear Tim making Susie laugh and it would grate on her nerves like fingers on a chalkboard. Soon, Tim was avoiding her at work. It wasn’t long before people were asking her what happened.

She would look at them, smile and say “Susie happened,” the hatred oozing from her lips.

“I just don’t understand,” she sobbed as Tim tried to explain.

“It’s just that, I dunno, things just kinda happened, you know. Susie and I have a connection at a deeper level. It’s not you, it’s me.”

She could feel her fist balling up and she wanted to drive it right into his face. She wanted to feel his flesh tear away as her rings dug into the face that had betrayed her. Every day she would rise out of bed and her thoughts would turn to Tim and Susie. She wanted Susie to feel the pain and betrayal she was feeling. Her venomous thoughts curled around her mind like a snake squeezes a mouse.

When Tim came by her cubicle to invite her to the wedding, she knew something had to be done. The wedding day arrived and with it, the festering anger reached its boiling point. The two of them now stood before God declaring their undying love for each other.

Jennifer sat quietly in the pew, her calmness belying the rage swirling in her brain. She wallowed in the anger of it all. It made her realize she was doing the right thing. She looked at them and the bile rose in her throat. Tim wanted to invite her because it would help alleviate his guilt. She knew he wanted everyone to get along. That was Tim, always the peacemaker.

“That bitch took what was mine and there is nothing going to stand in my way,” she mumbled over and over again.

“I do” Tim said with the biggest shit eating grin on his face.

She put her hand in her purse and felt the cool, smooth blade. Its coldness warmed her heart.

“I do,” Susie said and the two of them kissed and people started to applaud.

“Are you kidding me?” Jennifer thought as the bride and groom began to walk down the aisle. People were clapping and smiling like this was the happiest day of their lives.

“The hell with that…” she thought as she pulled the knife out of her purse and stepped in front of the bride. Now was the moment when her life would have its destiny fulfilled.

The first thrust went straight into Susie’s belly. Susie gasped in pain as the red stain quickly embraced the white dress. The contrast was so beautiful, Jennifer almost stopped to admire her work. The moment passed and she pulled the knife out with a sickening slurshing sound.

The second thrust, higher, went straight into Susie’s heart. Jennifer wondered, right at that moment, if Susie even had a heart.

Susie collapsed onto the floor, clutching her crimson red wedding gown. Her thick, red blood flowed over her fingers covering the diamond in her wedding ring.

Friends and family stood, their mouths agape, as the crazy woman with the blood soaked knife stood over the bride. Susie’s dress was now thick with blood.

Everything was in slow motion and the only sound Jennifer heard was her heartbeat thumping in her ears. She was broken out of her reverie by Tim’s screams. Jennifer dropped the knife and went to him.

“It’s alright honey. Now we can be together. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

Tim looked at her, his face the picture of confusion, and asked, “Why?”

“Why? Because I love you, that’s why!”


Randy Whittaker writes for fun but is desperately trying to become rich by doing it.

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